Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To a Lady from a Man

Lady u shall succeed
Your success has been decreed..
There will be obstacles in your path..
But who can stop u ? ..when u have belief in ur heart..
So, rise up and turn the tide..
Rise up , ur ,your parents pride..
Rise turn iron into gold..
Rise up..lady coz death has been foretold..
Your battle..shall not go in vain.
Remember every fight is worth the pain..
There will be ..blood spilled..
There shall be shattering of the shields..
They shall try to unseat you from ur horse..
But u know ur goal and every hurdle u shall cross....
You shall not cow down and get pumelled..
You shall touch the light at end of the dark tunnel..
Remember one last word..and remember it well..
They call that person..brave..
who has the courage to go smilling to her grave...

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